Thursday, April 24, 2008

Random Pics

Somehow he thought this was going to get him to a standing position????
Our one and only thumb sucking picture!

Owen's signature smile!

New toy box! The tag on his toy box specifically states "DO NOT PUT CHILDREN INSIDE THIS CHEST", and what is the first thing Mike thinks to do with Owen? What else...put him in the chest!

"Mommy help!"
These are some pictures I have been collecting over the last few days. No real theme to this post...just some fun still shots of Owen. Mike thinks my blog fans are getting sick of ONLY seeing Owen, so I will try and muster up some pictures of Mike and I over this weekend!!


Windy said...

We're not sick of Owen shots, but we'd love to see some more of your house and of you two!

me said...

I agree with Windy, we aren't sick of Owen. Doesn't he know that once you have kids that moone is interested in the adults anymore? Just kidding!