Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bentley and Owen

"Hey Owen, are in interested in swapping Best Friends Necklaces?"
My girlfriend's husband was at a work meeting for.... get this........4 weeks! Seeing as though Mike was also out of town during Jessica's husbandless hiatus, we spent much of that time together. I am quite fond of her, and luckily Owen is quite fond of her son Bentley!Love the tan lines boys!!!

Owen can find joy in anyone's toys, but his!

What am I doing wrong? Why is the pacifier becoming MORE of a necessity for Owen instead of LESS?

Let's just say that by the end of this bath, a majority of this water was on the floor rather than the tub!


me said...

I like the matching binkey's from the first picture. cute cute cute!

mrs. timberlake said...

i have a few concerns...

a) have the girls been replaced by bentley? member when they used to take baths together, be in the crib together?

b) has kwame been replaced by jessica? (not that i mind.. i mean i like jessica).

c) did i just really post this? yes i did.

Corbin said...

I love the bath picture and video! Soooo cute! Lets get together this week and talk California!